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Chasing new fitness goals can always feel intimidating at the onset, but don't listen to that voice in your head telling you what you can and can not achieve. Above you can see all the ways real, inspiring RunKeeper users are making progress. Take Soraya. She’s a 40-something single mom who went out and ran her first marathon last year. She’s up super early every weekday to do Insanity in her living room and then on the weekends to get her long runs in. She’s amazing and you can read more of her story here: blog.runkeeper.com/2622/accomplishing-my-goal/
Join us in getting 2015 off to a great start with the "This Year You Can" challenge! Whether you’re looking to increase your weekly workouts, train for a race, run farther than you ever have, or take a few seconds off your pace, no goal is too small! Join the challenge here: challenges.runkeeper.com/thisyearyoucan
Like the music? This song is called Betwixt by a young English artist named OMN.
If you like the song, you can download it and support the artist here: olliemckendrickness.bandcamp.com/track/betwixt