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Another year has past, trying to film the maximum we can beside our work and studies. Mainly shot in Switzerland, we had the chance to go for a 5 days trip in Kiev to film urbans.
This year we tried to bring our vibe in the editing and also show some real and spontaneous reactions from people in the streets as well as funny situations.
Featuring: Mustafa Ceylan, Laurent De Martin, Yorick Fischli, Alex Chabod, Nicolas Vuignier, Leo Bottarel, Alex Neurohr, Sämi Ortlieb, Greg Tuscher, Cyrill Hunziker, Florian Bruchez, Lolo Favre, Elliot Maire, Pat Burgener, Christian Weber, Florent Beauverd.
Filmed by Jules Guarneri, Marc Vertesi, Lionel Dupertuis. Edited by Jules Guarneri, Marc Vertesi.